In order to query mongodb with csharp guid in golang, you would need the following conversions:
func CsuuidToBinary(key string) []byte {
hexStr := strings.Replace(key, "-", "", -1)
first := hexStr[6:8] + hexStr[4:6] + hexStr[2:4] + hexStr[0:2]
second := hexStr[10:12] + hexStr[8:10]
third := hexStr[14:16] + hexStr[12:14]
fourth := hexStr[16:len(hexStr)]
hexStr = first + second + third + fourth
data, _ := hex.DecodeString(hexStr)
return data
and to use it with MongoDB Go Driver
binaryKey := CsuuidToBinary("246076cf-b5cf-4d5a-9f15-1d46aa2108a1")
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("your_mongo_connection_string")
conn.Collection("Test").FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"Key": primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0x03, Data: binaryKey}})
and to convert back to GUID from binary:
func BinaryToCSUUID(data []byte) string {
const byteSize = 16
if len(data) != byteSize {
var u [byteSize]byte
copy(u[:], data)
buf := make([]byte, 36)
hex.Encode(buf[0:2], u[3:4])
hex.Encode(buf[2:4], u[2:3])
hex.Encode(buf[4:6], u[1:2])
hex.Encode(buf[6:8], u[0:1])
buf[8] = '-'
hex.Encode(buf[9:11], u[5:6])
hex.Encode(buf[11:13], u[4:5])
buf[13] = '-'
hex.Encode(buf[14:16], u[7:8])
hex.Encode(buf[16:18], u[6:7])
buf[18] = '-'
hex.Encode(buf[19:23], u[8:10])
buf[23] = '-'
hex.Encode(buf[24:], u[10:])
return string(buf)